Information from A - Z

All halls and foyers, as well as the roof garden, are easily accessible via ramps or elevators for people with limited mobility. The elevators have been designed to be extra spacious – as have the disabled toilets throughout the CCH.

Information on accessibility can be found here:

In the week before BiblioCon, you can download the conference app from the app stores under the search term BiblioCon2024.

A checkroom for handing in clothing and luggage is located in the foyer of Hall 1 of the CCH on the second floor. All items of luggage, including larger rucksacks, must be handed in.

We are happy to provide the checkroom free of charge this year, but would appreciate a small contribution towards the costs.

The closing event will take place on 07.06.2024 at 12:30 in Hall 4.
Topics of the event can be found in the menu item Closing Ceremony.

The company exhibition will be located in Hall H on the ground floor.

The opening times are

04.06. from 12:00 – 18:00
05.06. from 09:00 – 18:00
06.06. from 09:00 – 18:00
07.06. from 09:00 – 12:00

The company presentations will take place as usual on Wednesday and Thursday during the lunch break in the lecture rooms. Information on this can be found in the online session planner.

The opening event will take place on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at 6:30 pm in Hall 3 of the CCH.
Separate registration is not required; all exhibitors and participants are invited. A name badge is sufficient for admission.

You can find more information in the menu item Opening Ceremony.

The congress party will take place on 06.06.2024 from 19:00 in the Edelfettwerk.

Participation is only possible with an admission ticket; you can make a paid booking via the online registration form.

CCH – Congress Center Hamburg
Congressplatz 1
20355 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 (0)40 3569 0

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You will find catering stands in the exhibition in Hall H.
The food is cooked on-site and carefully produced. Pre-purchased goods are avoided, and emphasis is placed on regionality and sustainability.
You will also find a coffee bike on the first floor and a drinks stand in the foyer on the 2nd floor.

Information on Hamburg (Culture & Leisure, Tourism, Services, etc.) you can find on the following pages and

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The official congress language is German, but some of the presentations will be held in English – in line with the increased international focus of BiblioCon.

Presentations from BiblioCon and previous Bibliothekartage and library congresses can be viewed on the organizer’s online publication server (BIB-OPUS,

Lost Porperty is kept at the registration counter.

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All participants who have registered by June 3, 2024, and paid the registration fee in full will receive a booking confirmation with their personal QR code. This confirmation must be brought to BiblioCon2024 in order to print out the name badge yourself at the “participation badge” terminals in the entrance area of the CCH. All other participants will receive their documents on-site at the registration desk.

Berufsverband Information Bibliothek e.V. (BIB)
Verein Deutscher Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare e.V. (VDB)

The company exhibition will open on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at 12:00 noon in the foyer in front of Hall H. All participants and, of course, all company representatives are cordially invited to attend.

If you are traveling to the CCH – Congress Center Hamburg by car or motorcycle, it is best to take the freeway from outside and then simply follow the signs for “Messe / CCH”.
The CCH underground parking garage (Tiergartenstr. 2) has 700 parking spaces spread over two levels. There are also disabled parking spaces (20 in total, near the elevators) and parking spaces with charging stations (10 in total) for electric vehicles.

The parking garage is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Prices: €3/hour, maximum daily rate €25

An overview of the conference fees and the registration link can be found on the ‘Registration‘ page.

The Hamburg Convention Bureau is working with the tourism consultancy dwif-Consulting GmbH to conduct a survey of congress participants using a short questionnaire (3 minutes). The aim is to strengthen the city in the long term through the active acquisition of events.
Participation is voluntary and is not connected to BiblioCon but only to the city of Hamburg.

K.I.T. Group creates comprehensive image material that is used by the organizing associations and K.I.T. Group for communication and marketing purposes.

These recordings may be distributed and published without entitlement to remuneration for the purpose of public reporting or for event-related use in social networks (Facebook, Mastodon, Instagram, YouTube and websites) about the event.

Send a photo of the congress, you will find a photo back wall with 2 motifs in the foyer on the 2nd floor.

Die Posterausstellung wird in der Firmenausstellung in Halle H platziert. In den Mittagspausen am Mittwoch und Donnerstag stehen die Poster-Referent:innen für Erläuterungen zu ihrem Poster zur Verfügung.

As librarians, we support free access to publications in many ways. The two associations, VDB and BIB, therefore, feel obliged to lead the way in the publications of the largest national continuing education event. All publications within the scope of the congress volume of the journal o-bib will appear in open access. The associations recommend that the presenters also provide all other contributions to BiblioCon, in particular the presentations on the BIB-OPUS server as well as the posters and clips, with the open Creative Commons licence CC BY ( To this end, a CC licence reference should be included on the presentation slides and posters or in the clips. This recommendation applies to all publications on the BIB-OPUS server, even beyond BiblioCon.

Information on public transportation in Hamburg can be found on the HVV Website.

The registration desk will be located in the main entrance of the CCH, on the right-hand side. You will find the self-print stations in the middle of the entrance foyer.

The left-hand side of the entrance foyer is partitioned off for a parallel event, the education fair.

The opening times of the registration counter are:
03.06. from 14:00 – 18:00
04.06. from 08:00 – 18:30
05.06. from 07:30 – 18:30
06.06. from 07:30 – 18:30
07.06. from 08:00 – 12:00

All speakers are asked to hand in their presentation at the media reception up to two hours before the lecture. The presentations will then be uploaded to the lecture rooms so that each speaker only has to open the presentation on the computer in the lecture room. Own computers or USB sticks cannot be installed in the lecture rooms.
The media reception is located in the Foyer 3.

The opening hours of the media reception are
Tuesday, 04.06. from 8:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Wednesday, 05.06. from 8:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Thursday, 06.06. from 8:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Friday, 07.06. from 8:00 – 11:00 Uhr

There will be live streams from three lecture rooms (B.2, G.1 and G.2).
You can follow the streams and send comments and questions to the moderator live, which he/she can add to the session, and the streams will also be available as recordings from the next day.
The streams are available to all registered participants via the conference app.

If you want to follow the streaming from a computer/laptop, you can also do this via the web-based app. Please use this link to access it:

To access the streaming, you must log in on the website / in the app. Please use the same login details you used to register for the congress.


  • Hansa-Taxi. E-Taxen via (040) 211 255, others 211 211.
  • Taxi Hamburg. (040) 66 66 66.
  • The Taxi. (040) 22 11 22.

You can find out the costs using the Hamburg cab calculator.

Numerous volunteers from the libraries in Hamburg and the surrounding area will support the congress and will be happy to help you.

In view of the worrying development of Twitter/X, this channel is no longer used.

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