You can find the on-demand sessions in the Apple app or the web-based app under the menu item “Sessions per day”.
Please log in before opening the session of which you would like to see the recording and the video player will be displayed. If the session is not displayed, the speakers have not agreed to the streaming*.

If you want to follow the streaming from a computer/laptop, you can also do this via the web-based app. Please use this link to access it:

You must have a valid registration to access the live streaming.

You can access the recordings of the sessions until the end of this year via the app. To do this, log in and then open the session in the program, where you will find the recordings.

You will find the link to log in to the web-based app at the top right of the page:

You will find the link to the login in the app in the menu:

On the login page, please use the same access data that you used to register for the conference. If you have any problems or questions, please contact us at

After you have logged in, you can access the streaming via the ‘Live’ button.

* The following sessions have not been streamed:


  • Duales Studium – one year after: Ein Blick in die Praxis. Eine öffentliche Arbeitssitzung der KIBA (Saal B.2, 16:00 – 17:30)


  • Preisverleihung Team Award Information Professionals (TIP) (Saal B.2, 14:00 – 16:00)
  • Das Leben kann nur in der Schau nach rückwärts verstanden werden (Kierkegaard) (Saal G.2, 16:30 – 18:30)